Fee Structure

Year Particulars Merit / Management Students
Fees with Hostel Fees without Hostel
I Year Tuition Fee 63525/- 63525/-
Special Fee 39500/- 39500/-
Caution Deposit 10000/- 10000/-
Hostel Fee 66000/- 0/-
Hostel C D 10000/- 0/-
Total 189025/- 113025/-
II Year Tuition Fee 63525/- 63525/-
Special Fee 27500/- 27500/-
Hostel Fee 66000/- 0/-
Total 157025/- 91025/-
III Year Tuition Fee 63525/- 63525/-
Special Fee 27500/- 27500/-
Hostel Fee 66000/- 0/-
Total 157025/- 91025/-
IV Year Tuition Fee 20500/- 20500/-
Hostel Fee 66000/- 0/-
Total 86500/- 20500/-
Total fee for 4 years 589575/- 315575/-

* Bus fee charged as per point to point basis             * Uniform/College ID card amount chargeable            * Exam fee as per the university norms
* Fee for the 2024-25 AY is subject to Regulatory Committee approval

Year Term Particulars Fees With Hostel Fees W/O Hostel
I Year Term 1 Tution fee 55000/- 55000/-
Special Fee 41500/- 41500/-
Caution Deposit 5000/- 10000/-
Hostel Fee 33000/- 0/-
Hostel C D 10000/- 0/-
Total Term 1 Fee 144500/- 101500/-
Term 2 Tution fee 55000/- 55000/-
Hostel Fee 33000/- 0/-
Total Term 2 Fee 88000/- 55000/-
Total Year 1 232500/- 156500/-
II Year Term 3 Tution fee 55000/- 55000/-
Special Fee 35300/- 35300/-
Hostel Fee 33000/- 0/-
Total Term 3 Fee 123300/- 90300/-
Term 4 Tution fee 55000/- 55000/-
Hostel Fee 33000/- 0/-
Total Term 4 Fee 88000/- 55000/-
Total Year 2 211300/- 145300/-
Total fee for 2 years 443800/- 301800/-

* Bus fee charged as per point to point basis               * Uniform/College ID card amount chargeable            * Exam fee as per the university norms
* Fee for the 2024-25 AY is subject to Regulatory Committee approval

Year Particulars Management Students Merit Students
Fees With Hostel Fees Without Hostel Fees With Hostel Fees Without Hostel
I Year Tuition Fee 67100/- 67100/- 67100/- 67100/-
Special Fee 12100/- 12100/- 12100/- 12100/-
Caution Deposit 5000/- 5000/- 1000/- 1000/-
Hostel Fee 66000/- 0/- 66000/- 0/-
Hostel C D 5000/- 0/- 5000/- 0/-
Total 155200/- 84200/- 151200/- 80200/-
II Year Tuition Fee 67100/- 67100/- 67100/- 67100/-
Special Fee 8250/- 8250/- 8250/- 8250/-
Hostel Fee 66000/- 0/- 66000/- 0/-
Total 141350/- 75350/- 141350/- 75350/-
Total fee for 2 years 296550/- 159550/- 292550/- 155550/-

* Bus fee charged as per point to point basis                      * Uniform/College ID card amount chargeable                  * Exam fee as per the university norms
* Fee for the 2024-25 AY is subject to Regulatory Committee approval