Orientation for the First-Year students (Batch 2023-27)
On 15 November 2023, the class in charge, Mrs. Mini T oriented them on the policies of ASO and motivated them. Ice-breaking sessions were conducted to engage the students and to make them know each other. The subjects in the first year were introduced. As a part of introducing the faculty members to the freshers, an interaction session was conducted on 16 November 2023 between all the faculty members and the freshers. This helped the students to feel comfortable with the faculties. Ms Athira and Mrs Lathika took the students for a rock garden visit. The students were given awareness of Fire and Safety measures available on the campus. The session was handled by Mr. Prathin, from the Department of Fire and Safety on 18th November 2023. The demo session helped the students understand the importance of Fire and safety. On 20th November, 2023 the students were given orientation on “Skills for developing emotional intelligence” by Mr Akhinu Suvid V S, Counselling Psychologist, Ahalia Counselling Department. Mrs Lathika R, Assistant Professor, ASORC gave “Awareness on Anti ragging” as part of the SSGP programme and Dr G Thamarai Selvi, Gynaecologist, Ahalia Women and Children Hospital, gave a talk on “Menstrual Health Awareness” for all the students which was very informative.